Germersheim Headquarters

Office Team

Open all day from Monday to Thursday 08.30 - 17.00, 
Friday from 08.30 - 15.00. > Contact

Inter Hostess Service (IHS) Division and Conference Consulting Division

Motivated and experienced staff organise, co-ordinate and supervise the completion of every job from our Germersheim headquarters. They are in constant touch with our team co-ordinators "on the spot" and are therefore always well-informed about the current situation.

Customer contact / Team co-ordinators:
Ms Alexandra Kokkinis-Fellhauer, Dipl.-Kauffr. (FH) > Contact
Ms Cathrin Gerday, Dipl.-Übers. > Contact

Order processing:
Ms Cathrin Gerday, Dipl.-Übers. > Contact

Translation Services Division

Motivated staff with many years of translating experience supervise the completion of your order from dealing with your initial enquiry to delivering the finished translation.

Customer contact / Order processing:
Ms Dimitra Malamata

Accounting > Contact
Payroll Accounting > Contact

Business management / Administration:
Mr Gerasimos Kokkinis > Contact
Ms Alexandra Kokkinis-Fellhauer, Dipl.-Kauffr. (FH) > Contact