A simple list of the names of the thousands of customers we have served over a period of 40 years would not really help you to understand the quality of the services we offer. Quotes from satisfied customers from all corners of the world would be virtually impossible for outsiders to check. So we hope you will forgive us if at this point we do not present you with a list of this type.
Nevertheless, we want you to get an accurate picture who we are and what we do, so we would like to explain a few of the areas in which we work.
We are the only company of this type to have worked together with the Organising Committees of the Olympic Games in Munich 1972, Innsbruck 1976 and Lake Placid 1980, we were in the German camp in Sarajevo in 1984 and on the stand of the City of Frankfurt in Seoul 1988. We brought the benefits of our experience to the World Games 1989 in Karlsruhe, the ATP World Championships in Frankfurt and the Berlin Olympic bid in Europe and overseas.
We are represented annually at major international events including Achema (Frankfurt), Ambiente (Frankfurt), Automechanika (Frankfurt), Beautyworld (Frankfurt), Bauma (Munich), CeBIT (Hanover), Christmasworld (Frankfurt), DOMOTEX (Hanover), Drinktec (Munich), Euromold (Frankfurt), Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt), Hair & Beauty (Frankfurt), IAA International Motor Show (Frankfurt), iba, IFA (Berlin), IFFA (Frankfurt), IMEX (Frankfurt), K (Düsseldorf), Light + Building (Frankfurt), Musikmesse (Frankfurt), ORGATEC (Cologne), Paperworld (Frankfurt), Prolight + Sound (Frankfurt), Resale (Karlsruhe) / Usetec (Cologne), Tendence (Frankfurt) and many more.